I join local residents and Tony Devenish AM in calling on the failing Labour Mayor, Sadiq Khan, to 'Keep our Stations Open'.
In recent months, I have received a number of emails, letters and calls from constituents, informing me of last-minute and highly disruptive closures at Kensington & Bayswater stations.
I would like to thank the over 1,000 residents who have already signed my petition to stop the frequent, last-minute station closures at our local tube stations.
Many residents rely on the tube to get to work, school, medical appointments or the shops so these closures simply aren't acceptable.
1. Both Holland Park station and Lancaster Gate station have been closed over 100 times each since January 2022. From January to August 2023, they have been closed 61 and 66 times respectively making them the most closed tube stations in London.
2. Tube stations across London have been closed 3,252 times since January 2022. Of these, 2,548 closures were due to station operations.
3. Sadiq Khan spends £42m annually on free travel for over 54,000 friends and family of TfL staff. That's enough to fund upwards of an additional 1,000 station staff or 3-4 new staff at every tube station in London.
In light of this new information, I have written to the Mayor of London outlining my concerns and requesting an urgent meeting. You can read my letter here.
To that end, I am asking local residents to sign our petition, which I will deliver to Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan at City Hall in-person.
If you use our stations, and if you care about protecting their future, I invite you to join the campaign by signing our petition below.